27 | Our recap and your reactions to our Evangelical deconstruction conversations

27 | Our recap and your reactions to our Evangelical deconstruction conversations

We weren’t the only one asking “What the hell?!” this week!

Our conversation in episode 24 of what we were raised to believe led into episodes 25 and 26 where we talked about how we began to and have deconstructed our faiths to date.

On episode 27, Brittany and Tiffany are reacting to your reactions, and also sharing the reactions you wrote into us and the questions and thoughts the shows triggered.

Tune in to see if we covered yours. And as always, thank you for the interactions, responses, conversations, reviews, and ratings.

We started this for us. We’re continuing it with you.


-Britt + Tiff

28 | What the hell is passion?

28 | What the hell is passion?

26 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is TIFFANY'S Story

26 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is TIFFANY'S Story