25 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is BRITTANY’S story?

25 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is BRITTANY’S story?

At long last….

Brittany’s story. Of belief, disbelief, and deconstruction. As promised, we’re 2 besties questioning life since the ’80s. …And now publicly questioning it since 2020.

On the last episode, we described a lot of the major tenets we were taught to believe growing up protestant evangelical Christian Pentecostals. Now we’re getting into Brittany’s experience: what she doesn’t believe anymore and some of the whys…the questions that started popping up and the answers she started seeking. As you’ll hear, there may be more questions than ever, but at least there’s a lot less fear. (This ep is also a bit on the longer side clocking in at 01:29:02…but to be fair, who’s faith ~*jOuRnEy*~ isn’t?)

This is a vulnerable conversation for us to have. It’s exposing. There’s a fair share of caution that plays out when publicly declaring that what you formerly declared (or were taught to declare) about life, the world, and your beliefs isn’t where you stand anymore. But it’s also freeing, to not hide and to be honest. We’re better for it.

Thanks for joining us in the conversation. As always, we love hearing yours.

Britt—let’s get REAL real.

26 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is TIFFANY'S Story

26 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is TIFFANY'S Story

24 | Is Jesus in your heart? ....What the hell were we taught to believe?!

24 | Is Jesus in your heart? ....What the hell were we taught to believe?!