26 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is TIFFANY'S Story

26 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is TIFFANY'S Story


Thank you so much for your positive and challenging responses to episodes 24 and 25! In episode 24, we explained what the hell we were taught to believe about God, faith, and Christianity, and in episode 25, Brittany took us through the life markers that have radically changed her POV. If you haven’t listened yet, head back to those before listening to episode 26.

On this week’s episode, it’s Tiffany’s turn. From a crisis of science to a crisis of logic to a crisis of social issues and ultimately a crisis of faith, she’s sharing the times what she was taught to believe was challenged and how her perspective has ultimately taken her away from the system she was raised in.

If ever there were a time to ask “What the hell?!” it’s now.


For the Bible Tells Me So documentary

Crazy Love - Francis Chan

Love Wins - Rob Bell

Peter Rollins

27 | Our recap and your reactions to our Evangelical deconstruction conversations

27 | Our recap and your reactions to our Evangelical deconstruction conversations

25 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is BRITTANY’S story?

25 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is BRITTANY’S story?