24 | Is Jesus in your heart? ....What the hell were we taught to believe?!

24 | Is Jesus in your heart? ....What the hell were we taught to believe?!

All right, folks. This whole “pandemic” and “State of Emergency” doesn’t seem to be going anywhere (the quotations are really a double sarcastic joke because there quite literally IS a pandemic and a State of Emergency and, you see, the joke is there without the quotation marks but when you tack them on it’s a double helping, you see?) so we decided it’s finally time to circle back to how and why we started this podcast to begin with:

We are two 30-something-year-old women who were born and raised in the Protestant Christian Evangelical Pentecostal Assemblies of God faith and it’s high time we broke down for you what that means and what we believed, which now, all these years later, still informs and influences how we see the world.

This is definitely a pivotal episode, a bit of a prologue and/or caveat to all of our conversations. Thanks for listening, and we truly do hope this provides some insight into either your own experiences or maybe someone’s who you know and love.

25 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is BRITTANY’S story?

25 | Is Jesus STILL in your heart? ...What the hell is BRITTANY’S story?

23 | Pandemic purchases you NEED to know the hell about!

23 | Pandemic purchases you NEED to know the hell about!