22 | Why the hell did we JUST learn about Juneteenth?

22 | Why the hell did we JUST learn about Juneteenth?

It took these 2 white women our entire lives to learn about Juneteenth, its significance, historical implications—even its EXISTENCE. This week on the pod, we’re breaking down just a few of the elements of the Black Lives Matter movement we have been ignorant to and poorly educated on and some of the ways we’re going to try to do better and know more.

Our hearts are heavy with our black friends and family members and communities. We are white. We are sorry for our silent “non-racism.” And we’re committed to being anti-racists and raising them.

23 | Pandemic purchases you NEED to know the hell about!

23 | Pandemic purchases you NEED to know the hell about!

21 | What the hell was the Satanic Panic? ...from the POV of preachers' kids

21 | What the hell was the Satanic Panic? ...from the POV of preachers' kids