4 | How the hell do you pick a career at 18?

4 | How the hell do you pick a career at 18?

What’s more American than insisting our children pick an entire life and career trajectory at the wisened old age of 18?! This week, Brittany and Tiffany are breaking down how and why we got into the careers we’re in, plus what we would do differently if we could.

BONUS: We open up with a get-to-know you speed round of 20 questions you don’t want to miss and our weekly top 3 at the end of the episode! If you haven’t yet, thank you for rating and reviewing What the Hell?! on Apple Podcasts. We like you a whole lot.

5 | What the hell are the movies that made you?

5 | What the hell are the movies that made you?

3 | When the hell did you become aware of your body?

3 | When the hell did you become aware of your body?