30 | Jesus, Santa, or You: Who the hell is Christmas about anyway

30 | Jesus, Santa, or You: Who the hell is Christmas about anyway

Hi, hello, Holidays, weren’t you here just 3 months ago?

WHAT A WASH this year has been. Now that Christmas is upon us once again, this week we’re diving into our religious family traditions growing up and what our traditions look like now—if at all. We also weigh in on the objectively best Christmas song and if you disagree with us you just can’t because, like we said, it’s OBJECTIVE.

Take a trip down Christmas Candy Cane Memory Lane with us as these 2 Grinches reminisce and try to find our holiday spirit. Where the actual hell are you, Christmas? Faith Hill, Cindy Lou Who, and WE would like to know.

31 | Pandemic Romances: How the hell are we making it (or not....)?

31 | Pandemic Romances: How the hell are we making it (or not....)?

29 | What the hell we’ve been up to while on hiatus…and thoughts on the world

29 | What the hell we’ve been up to while on hiatus…and thoughts on the world